We hope you've found all the information you need right here on the site. But if you have any burning questions, take a look below at our FAQs to see if we can answer them.

If not, use the chat feature on the page to ask any questions you may have. For class days and times, click the "book a class" button above to see a timetable.


What should my child wear to the classes?

Normally, shorts and a tshirt are perfect, but bring a hoody or tracksuit top just incase it's a little chilly.

In the winter months, Strikers can be cold so a hat and gloves are a good idea.

Do I need to buy my child football boots?

At this stage, no.

But by all means, if your child is showing a real interest in football and would love a pair, some indoor football trainers would be great. No studs though, please!

Can parents get involved?

In the toddler and pre-school classes, parents are encouraged to join in with their kids.

As we progress to the early primary school classes, we'll be doing more structured coaching and we ask parents to watch from the side.

2022 Steven Sim Football Coaching

Site by GoRaven