Our Ellon classes take place at the Meadows Sports Centre. This is a great space with wooden floors and plenty room to do all our activities.
Vestibulum mollis tempus bibendum. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus sapien vel volutpat. Donec nunc ex, laoreet at orci a, porta finibus sapien. Aenean quis risus semper, venenatis leo ac, auctor eros. Etiam dolor lectus, sollicitudin at eros ut, tincidunt mollis ligula. Phasellus quis auctor tellus. Duis aliquet aliquet nisl, sed accumsan urna bibendum nec.
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes ridiculus mus. Sed ligula nec lectus bibendum elementum.
Nullam aliquam neque ipsum. Morbi a risus quis diam finibus posuere eu sed mi. Vivamus accumsan aliquet feugiat. Nam lacus arcu, varius ac placerat rutrum nec eros.
Laid back, Fun, and engaging!
At pre-school age the classes are a little more structured with some instruction but not too structured to stifle the fun of the games.
A great way to start showing kids the value of working together, following instructions. Building cognitive skills and co-ordination while interacting with other children.
At around this age, kids can really start to grasp the concept of team play.
Fun is always the focus in our classes, but we have some more structured play here, with some fun games, basic drills, and of course short football matches which the kids always look forward to!